February 22, 2010

My obliquity.

...So amazingly quickly times can change. Feelings like a wave, crashing over me, and clearing the beach, sweeping inland destroying everything in its path. Structures. Trees. And faith. Comfort. Confidence. And self.
Just some simple words strung together in a battery of what might be seen as a conversation.
Like the tide coming in.
Sweeping my feet out from under me. Losing my footing is a mild way of putting it. The world shrank, collapsed in on me to the bubble of space between the two of us. Separated only by a desk. A merciful desk. My hands clasped together tight. Grasping one another for support, as a tether.
Off kilter.
Knocked me out of orbit.
Rocked my obliquity, (my Axial tilt); I wonder how many degrees I am off.
Will my seasons still change?
Who knows; 23.5° did wonders for the earth in our solar system, as it might do for me too.
Perhaps, maybe everything can be solved with astronomical metaphors, math mathematical equations and Gelatin (Jell-o.)

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