June 29, 2007

What 10 days of flying looks like

AS I find myself in the middle of my summer vacation and whirlwind tour of my life, friends and family, i realize some of the most valuable things in life.
1) slowing down...
2) a smile
3) love is patience
4) family is the most important thing to maintain (Chosen or biological)
5) ambition is an interesting thing

the world looks different from 30,000 feet
and the inside of every airport is exactly the same.
i have been in so many that some times i get off a plane and don't know where I am or where I am going... and most importantly I don't know who I am there to see.

But these are the things that i need to be occasionally reminded of, because it is in this way that I return to myself and the direction that I am headed.

I have three more planes to board before I leave for China again as an Expat. Then I will really live abroad, teach abroad and BE abroad. I have more family to see more friends to see... more fried chicken to eat and more shoes to buy. I will take the best parts of The US to China with me... that is the memories and love of you. I will take my heart to China with you in it.

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