December 20, 2010

The Roads We ravel

Radio silence is largely due to a broken camera, because apparently I don't have anything meaningful to say without photographic evidence. Although much has happened on the logistic scale, somehow none of it seems to to really matter at this point. The choices and movements that got me to this point seem hardly worth mentioning now. What seems to be the most relevant at this moments is only the delicious and familiar sound of my fingers hitting keys. The feeling that flows through me and quiets all the internal noise as well as the constant chatter outside my window: the rushing river below and the jingle of a cat's collar that is the only thing that gives away her every movement.

With a breath, the first in months, I breathe into my every move and my every decision. The lessons of late have been unexpected which is perhaps what made each of them challenging and so rewarding in the end. Of course these are the lessons that never end.

The road of Colombia are washed out. As I prepare to travel and many of the people I love are on the move too, I wonder about the paths we travel, the choices we make and the things that really matter in making these lives of ours what they are. Each choice, each move and each risk. Even the little things are little chess moves that advance or limit our options. I have never been very good at chess, but I feel that I am making strides in this game.

May all the roads in front of you lead you safely to the next adventure and lesson. With luck we can see them for what they are and not get distracted by the things that they are not. Travel safe; love yourselves and others well.
*Not my photo (friend of a friend- cell phone pic when the buses no longer pass on roads in Colombia people are still determined to get to where they are going. And the rains keep coming.)

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